Please join me via zoom for an hours sitting meditation this Christmas holiday.
Dedicate some precious, quiet time to sit in silence and reflect on the year gone by and what you want to invite in for 2024. Christmas can be such a busy time with much to do and very little time for being. It also marks the end of the year, a potent time for reflection and renewal. Spend an hour with like hearted people and give yourself the gift of time and presence this Christmas holiday. We will start with a simple settling meditation and then a longer mindfulness meditation - inviting us to let go of what no longer serves us to leave space for clarity and compassion moving forward. I do hope you can join us. Date: Saturday 30th December 2023 Time: 4pm - 5pm Online via zoom: Personal Meeting ID - 860 483 4204 Passcode - Xmas23 Fee is via donations (please see paypal button at the bottom of this page) - give as much as feels right for you and know that you are welcome to join for free too! |
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'Meditation is not evasion. It's a serene encounter with reality.'